OnlyFlens No 16

Happy SkaleNetwork to everyone!

Let’s see what today’s news have to offer:

Skale Labs in general

Partnership Hattrick over the weekend! Welcome BVMnetwork,Virtualness and Navis War!

Eidolon shares their Discord Link!


PaLM AI’s twelfth Revenue Share Distribution has been sent out!

ChainGPT adds more features to their NFT Generator!

GPTVerse is about to launch their Token $GPTV on Bitget global and MEXC!

Fusionwave partners with DSC!

Skillful AI announces a 2.5K giveaway!

Introduction to Decenter AI!


Introduction of FusyFox!

Haven’s Compass releases their upcoming’s Token use-cases!

Great sneak peek by ArmourX!

Katana Inu is working on more in-game abilities!

Metaverse / RPG

War Eden’s Hop to the Top contest has come to the end of round 1!

Is NFT art derivative? By Cryptopia

Sheertopia partners with Medieval Empires and Quickswap!

Bullieverse deploys the Base Bridge for their Token!

Chain Guardian announces their POS-mechanism!

TCG World introduces Luna!

World of Dypians shares their noew majestic Crab on the beach!

moon metaverse announces a Telegram giveaway!

Other Games

Crypto Crusades introduce their Heavy Archers Unit!

Heroes Battle Arena introduces their exchange feature for their reward stones to get more Units!

Spells of Genesis advises everyone to visit their in-game museum!

Sportzchain is giving away 40.000 SKL Tokens!

Vaselabs received a GRant from KaJLabs!

Gaming Platforms

Arena Games shows how they vreate in-game wallets!


XPNetwork opartners with Innovaz and

Pixelrealm announces ARQxAI IDO!


DMail announces their Influencer Incentive Program!


ReHold partners with CoinStats and announces an aridrop!

Feel free to comment on anything good or bad on X.

Go Skale!