OnlyFlens No 6

Happy SkaleNetwork to everyone!

Let’s see what today’s news have to offer:

Skale Labs in general

Skale will be at Token2049 in Dubai!


ChainGPT showcases key features of their Cryptoguard.


Haven’s Compass announces their Airdrop campaign!

Metaverse / RPG

Cryptopia needs your vote on airdrops(dot)io!

Sheertopia now has a Telegram Chat!

TCG World introduces the newest addition to their season 1 sprites, Turtank!

World of Dypians Skale Treasure Hunt is now officially live!

Other Games

Pixudi introduces the latest updates!

Heroes Battle Arena announces a partnership with soon verse!

Spells of Genesis announces their “April Burn”!

FlokiCyberPunk announces their freemint NFT on Skale!

Gaming Platforms

Arena Games will be at Token2049 in Dubai!

Cryptopolis published an article about dApps!


XPNetwork shares their highlights of the last week!

Pixelrealm announces their Fishverse private sale!

NFTMining shares in their thread some ways to get some more of their prizes!


Ultimate Digits posts about their ongoing Airdrop vampaign!

DMail shares some of their token’s upcoming use cases!


Transak team has arrived in Dubai for Token2049!

Feel free to comment on anything good or bad on X.

Go Skale!